The API for function-based and component-based usage have the same parameters, but the usage methods are different. Component-based usage includes specific details on slots.
Function (Parameters) & Component (Component Properties)
Option | Type | Description |
content | () => HTMLElement | string | MaybeRef<HTMLElement | undefined> | A ref pointing to the content to be printed or a string that can be obtained using querySelector. Alternatively, pass a ref or a string directly to the callback returned by createPrint |
bodyClass? | string | One or more class names to pass to the print window, separated by spaces |
documentTitle? | string | Set the title for printing when saving as a file. Ignored when passing a custom print option |
fonts? | { family: string, source: string; weight?: string; style?: string; }[] | A list of fonts to load into the printing iframe. This is useful if you are using custom fonts |
ignoreGlobalStyles? | boolean | Ignore all <style> and <link type="stylesheet" /> tags from <head> |
nonce? | string | Set the nonce attribute for allow-listing script and style elements for Content Security Policy (CSP) |
onAfterPrint? | () => void | Callback function that triggers after the print dialog is closed regardless of if the user selected to print or cancel |
onBeforePrint? | () => Promise<void> | Callback function that triggers before print. This can be used to change the content on the page before printing as an alternative to, or in conjunction with @media print queries |
onPrintError? | (errorLocation: 'onBeforePrint' | 'print', error: Error) => void | Called if there is a printing error serious enough that printing cannot continue. Currently limited to Promise rejections in onBeforePrint , and print . Use this to attempt to print again. errorLocation will tell you where the Promise was rejected |
pageStyle? | string | react-to-print sets some basic styles to help improve page printing, notably, removing the header and footer that most browsers add. Use this to override these styles and provide your own |
preserveAfterPrint? | boolean | Remove the iframe after printing. NOTE: preserveAfterPrint will run before the iframe is removed |
print? | (iframe: HTMLIFrameElement) => Promise<void> | If passed, this function will be used instead of window.print to print the content. Use this to print in non-browser environments such as Electron |
suppressErrors? | boolean | When passed, prevents console logging of errors |
Component Slots
名称 | 参数 | 说明 |
default | (props:{handlePrint: () => void}) | Default slot used to consume the print functionality. |
content | () | Slot for passing the content node to be printed. Note: When the content attribute is passed to the component, the slot takes precedence over the attribute. |
* Fonts to load into the print iframe
FontOption {
family: string
source: string
weight?: string
style?: string
* Content to be printed
content: () => HTMLElement | string | MaybeRef<HTMLElement | undefined>
* One or more class names to pass to the print window, separated by spaces
bodyClass?: string
* Set the title for printing when saving as a file
documentTitle?: string
* You may optionally provide a list of fonts which will be loaded into the printing iframe.
* This is useful if you are using custom fonts
fonts?: FontOption[]
* Set the nonce attribute for whitelisting script and style -elements for CSP (content security policy)
nonce?: string
* Callback function to trigger after print
onAfterPrint?: () => void
* Callback function to trigger before print Callback function to trigger before page content is retrieved for printing
onBeforePrint?: () => Promise<any>
* Callback function to listen for printing errors
onPrintError?: (errorLocation: "onBeforePrint" | "print", error: Error) => void
* Override default print window styling
pageStyle?: string | (() => string)
* Override the default `window.print` method that is used for printing
print?: (target: HTMLIFrameElement) => Promise<any>
* Remove the iframe after printing.
* NOTE: `onAfterPrint` will run before the iframe is removed
preserveAfterPrint?: boolean
* Suppress error messages
suppressErrors?: boolean